As a result of the launching of this project to continue the development and publication of the ALPI materials, Lorenzo Rodríguez-Castellano’s daughters Aurobel and Matilde, together with his son-in-law Antonio, generously facilitated the digitalization of the survey notebooks conserved by their family. They later also decided to donate an important part of their father’s legacy to the Tomás Navarro Tomás library at the CSIC Center for Humanities and Social Sciences. This donation has become a special archive under his name: the Rodriguez-Castellano collection.
Throughout this project we have counted on the invaluable help of the director of the Tomás Navarro Tomás library, Pilar Martinez Olmo. She took charge of taking the necessary steps to formalize and catalogue the donation of the Rodriguez-Castellano collection, as well as of ensuring that Raquel Ibáñez González, María Sánchez Luque, Eva Poves Pérez and Rosa Villalón Herrera from the TNT Archive Department took care of digitalizing the materials and providing high-quality images. These images we have now made available to the scientific community through the photo Gallery of this web page.
For the geo-referencing of the survey network, an essential starting point for this project, we have benefitted from the help of the director of the GIS Unit at the CCHS, Isabel del Bosque. We also enjoyed the help of Esther Pérez and Carlos Fernández, who defined and incorporated the geo-location of the surveyed points.
As noted in the section about the phonetic alphabet, we must thank our colleagues specialized in phonetics for their help in establishing, with certainty, the phonetic equivalencies between the phonetic alphabet of the Revista de Filologia Española and the International Phonetic Alphabet: Amália Andrade, for Portuguese; Francisco Dubert, for Galician; Ralph Penny, for Asturleonese varieties; Daniel Recasens, for Catalan, and Juana Gil, for Castilian.
In the design and development of the webpage, in addition to Juan Carlos Martínez Torres, Ramón Fuentes Méndez and Angel Díaz del Castillo, the Principal Investigator also collaborated with Rafael Rojas Corral, who converted the design in to a Drupal template, in which he configured the different modules and sections, as well as for several internal bases and various improvements in the network functionality .
For their part, the Archive of Elche, following an authorization from the Joan Baptiste Comes Arxiu de la Memòria Asssociation, facilitated in many ways the digitalization of materials conserved in the Sanchis Guarner collection in their care, and the search for missing Valencian surveys.